NPR recently revived its popular essay series called "This I Believe". I have no ambition to read aloud my beliefs for the NPR audience, but hearing those who have had their essays accepted for airing each Monday morning has gotten me thinking less about what I don't believe, and more about what I do believe.
I believe ...
- ... my wife, when she tells me "I love you."
- ... that a good person is not necessarily religious, and a religious person is not necessarily good.
- ... that freedom from religion is necessary before you can truly have freedom of religion.
- ... that there's a balance between quantity of life and quality of life, and that the optimum may be different for everyone.
- ... that there is no afterlife, so we must make the best we can of this one.
- ... that grief, in part, is the manifestation of regret for things left unsaid.
- ... that science does not have all of the answers, and that religion has far fewer.
- ... that solipsism is a waste of time and effort.
- ... that fearing mathematics is as silly as fearing ghosts.
- ... that the lottery was not intended for people who are good at math.
- ... that if you go to Las Vegas expecting to lose, you will not come home disappointed.
- ... that you should split a pair of 10s once in your life, just for the thrill of it.
- ... that Abraham Lincoln was our greatest president, not because he was perfect, but because he was aware of his faults.
- ... that patriotism is more than just flag waving.
- ... that you can support the troops without supporting the policies that put them in harm's way.
- ... that there is no greater liberty that can be exercised in civilized society than to vote, and no greater waste of that liberty than not to do so.
- ... that the foundation of an ethical lifestyle is answering the question, "what difference would it make if everyone behaved the way I do?"
- ... that to take the attitude that "it's someone else's problem," can be a crime against humanity.
- ... that a job worth doing is a job worth doing well.
- ... that honor is, as much as anything else, the ability to admit that someone else might be right when you are wrong and having the courage to say so.
- ... that extra credit should be awarded for creative use of alliteration.
- ... that a simile is like a babbling brook next to a metaphor's roaring rapids.
- ... that irony is not at all like rain on your wedding day.
- ... that dogs make better companions, but cats are pretty OK, too.
- ... that a sense of gravity is as important as a sense of humor, but the sense to know when each is called for is far more important than either alone.
- ... that I have many friends, but never so many that I could afford to lose even one of them.
- ... that of all the things you can collect, friends retain their value the longest.
- ... that I have some of the best friends in the world, and I hope that they can say the same.
- ... that you don't really know someone until you've observed them sleeping.
- ... that a life doesn't have to be driven by purpose to have worth.
- ... that in the game of Life, no one sits on the bench.
- ... that homilies and platitudes are overrated.
- ... that the dot races during the 7th inning stretch at the ballpark are rigged.
- ... that the designated hitter is bad for baseball.
- ... that driving is a privilege, not a right, and that we would all be safer if that privilege were revoked more often than it is.
- ... that handicapped parking is for handicapped people, not for people who merely have handicapped tags hanging from their mirrors.
- ... that language is a social contract drawn up over hundreds of years, and that to take offense at words not meant to offend is as much a breach of that contract as are words that are meant to offend.
- ... that the news should be about the news, not about the talent show that concluded its season less than 30 minutes before.
- ... that I'll have another beer.
1 comment:
Some definite wisdom here.
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